Chris Hostetter wrote:
: Date: Fri, 08 May 2009 08:27:58 -0400
: From: Mark Miller
: Subject: Re: Solr spring application context error
: : I've run into this in the past as well. Its fairly annoying. Anyone know why
: the limitation? Why aren't we passing the ClassLoader thats loading Solr
: classes as the parent to the lib dir plugin classloader?

FWIW: We do. I'm not sure what exactly the problem might have been in this thread (class loaders are nightmares, and spring doesn't make life any easier unless *everything* involved is using spring) but SolrResourceLoader uses Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() to set the parent class loader unless an explict parent class loader was specified. (the webapp loader is the parent for the solr shardLib loader, which is the parent for the individual core loaders)

at least ... that's the way it use to work, and skimming the code it doesn't look like it's been broken (in an obvious way)


Yeah, I actually looked at the code and saw that later. I was forgetting the issue that bugged me (and confusing it with the trouble this guy was having) - which is that plugins in the solr/lib folder cannot load from other jars in that folder. I think that was the actual issue.

- Mark

- Mark

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