Hi guys:

    What is the plan with this issue? Should there be a bug created?

    I am having a similar issue from a different angle:

1) using spring which is instantiating beans when the plugins are loaded
2) classloader mismatch.
3) only way to resolve, copy my jars to solr.war's WEB-INF/lib


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris Hostetter wrote:
>> : Yeah, I actually looked at the code and saw that later. I was forgetting
>> the
>> : issue that bugged me (and confusing it with the trouble this guy was
>> having) -
>> : which is that plugins in the solr/lib folder cannot load from other jars
>> in
>> : that folder. I think that was the actual issue.
>> WTF?!? ... seriously?
>> I don't think i've ever tried it, but if that's really true then it seems
>> like it must be a bug in URLClassLoader ... we're iterating over the file
>> list to generate a URL[] before calling URLClassLoader.newInstance.
>> -Hoss
> I have a fairly strong memory that its true - but its been almost a year
> now. I'll check when I get a chance. I also seem to remember mentioning it
> to Erik and him already knowing of it...
> Or my mind is playing tricks on me. I'll check.
> --
> - Mark
> http://www.lucidimagination.com

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