Julian Oliver wrote:

> linking against GPL'd code doesn't magically force your code under the
> GPL. linking against it and then distributing that linked code does.

The point is that if you link your program with GPL code, the
GPL's restrictions concerning distribution come into effect
for the rest of your code. If you don't intend to distribute
your code, then restrictions against distributing it obviously
are of no consequence for you. But that doesn't mean that
the restrictions are not there.

> here's a good clarification on the topic:
>       http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20031214210634851

Hmmm, I think we've been misunderstanding each other. When
I say that the GPL is "viral", I don't mean it in the mistaken
way that this article is trying to clear up. I only mean
that its restrictions spread further than just the code
originally licenced under the GPL.


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