..on or around Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:58:43AM +1300, Greg Ewing said:
> Julian Oliver wrote:
> > there is nothing intrinsically 'viral' about the GPL - a term used to
> > imply that GPL licensed code aggressively infects any code-base it comes
> > into contact with - converting it indefinitely.
> But that's exactly what it does do. If you link any GPL
> code to your program, the whole program becomes GPL. If
> that's not a kind of infection, I don't know what is.

linking against GPL'd code doesn't magically force your code under the
GPL. linking against it and then distributing that linked code does. 

the GPL is triggered at the point of distribution, not use. you can use
as much GPL'd code in your own proprietary license-incompatible work as
long as you don't distribute it.

regardless, there is still much debate as to whether linking against
GPL'd code - and sharing functions and data-structures - constitutes a
derivative work, and thus a breach.  

here's a good clarification on the topic:



julian oliver
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