Hello. Above all, thanks to all that replied: I've learned a lot 
(including such idioms as 'red herring' and 'straw man'). Jan, if I made 
any mistake that was only out of ignorance: I'm not part of soya and 
don't plan to be more than a user. To be honest, I raised the issue 
because I'm interested in your opinion about what tivoization means to 
free games.
  And just in case there is still any confusion, what I was thinking is 
that some game console, or VCR, or PDA, or any device that is actually a 
computer, may include a collection of free games (for simplicity, assume 
the source code is not modified). Depending on the device, it wouldn't 
mean a great effort to the owner of the device, and adds some value. But 
then they may decide to lock the machine so that it won't run modified 
software. And that means that many people is getting your GPL game, and 
some source code, but they cannot modify the game and run it in the same 
machine that they own. So it's not that they're making money, but only 
that the end users cannot play with your game's source (at least on that 

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