> > I don't see much point in tagging spam and then delivering
> > it anyway. The spammers still got their message through.
> > So what if it's in a special little folder all its own?
> The problem with this approach is that SpamAssassin is a heuristic
> system. I have had a number of false positives on this list, for
> example, over the last week.

Right, I wouldn't trust SA (or any system) to throw away my messages unread.

It nonetheless has value: my spam arrives in "a special little folder" of its
own and I review it every day or two, but I can do this very quickly - it takes
about 10 seconds to examine and delete a day's worth of spam and I rarely look
at anything but the subjects and SA scores.

This allows me to deal with spam on my schedule. It doesn't intermingle with my
important mail and I have my mail client set to not bother notifying me with a
sound when spam comes through.

P.S. I have my spam threshold set to 7.0 now. While I've seen a few false
negatives, I have yet to see a single false positive in the last week using
this threshold. I think the 5.0 threshold is a bit low for the current set of
michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted."    -- Steven Wright

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