On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 02:33:55PM +0100, Caines, Max wrote:
> My "site_perl" path doesn't include the Perl version for "historical"
> reasons. SA and Razor2 are indeed in the same area: Razor2 and Mail are
> both in /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl. I installaed both manually,

Ok, that's valid as long as your perl knows to look there.  Is the
directory listed under "@INC" in "perl -V"?

> rather than via CPAN (which keeps trying to upgrade my version of Perl
> while people are using it). I am now using SA 2.50 (Razor2 2.14). I am

You installed the CVS version of SA?

> "spamd -u exim..." (which fails with the error mentioned) or "su exim -c
> 'spamd...'" (which works). 

Sounds like an environment issue.  Maybe different perl binaries?
I always start spamd via:
        su - -c "/etc/rc.d/init.d/spamassassin start"

To give me root's default (minimal) environment.  That way all of my
settings don't taint the situation.

> Running the whole thing via "perl -d" it looks like the error actually
> gets generated when "compile_now" is called (spamd line 200), and what
> I'm getting now is:
> razor2 check skipped:  No such file or directory Can't locate object
> method "new" via package "Razor2::Client::Agent" at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 374. 

Yeah, compile_now basically loads all modules, rules, etc, and preps the
daemon to do work.  Now interestingly, the error only occurs when calling
"new" (during the check) not during the require which seems to work.

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