On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 11:16:41PM -0500, David Fuelling wrote:

> Couldn't one make the opposite argument -- that most people's email address
> NOT working when they plug it into the OpenId login field could actually be
> a good thing? (especially in the beginning of OpenID)

> Scenario #2 (WITH email allowed in the OpenId login form):  User encounters
> an "openid enabled" site, and decides they are curious about the new "way"
> to login.  If their email domain supports OpenId, then there's really no
> reason for a novice user NOT to use OpenId -- it works with the email
> address.
> On the other hand, if the RP determines that the specified email address
> doesn't support OpenId, it (the RP) then comes back to the User with an
> educational page explaining why the email doesn't work, perhaps with a "call
> your email provider and encourage them to adopt openid...and here's why".  

This makes a lot of sense to me.

What's appealing to me about OpenID is that it's a very easy (user- and admin-
friendly) system for ad-hoc federation/assertions. Relying Parties don't need
any special out-of-band pre-authentication setup with IdPs. Nor is there a need
for new PKI infrastructures -- the PKI behind https suffices. For users, no
special client software is needed.

Why try to teach users this homesite/unique OpenID identifier "URL" concept
when OpenID could use an identifier the user already understands & has, 
like an email address, for locating the user's IdP?


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dick Hardt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:06 PM
> > To: David Fuelling
> > Cc: specs@openid.net
> > Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Handle "http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Style Identifiers

> > A Homesite is a new concept for users, so when they see a prompt for
> > it, they will know they have one or not. They are not just typing in
> > a random URL.
> > 
> > Pretty much every user has an email address, so a prompt asking for
> > an email would suggest to user that their email will work -- which of
> > course hardly any will.
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