>> Bob,
>> The advice from the chairs seems to be continue discussion. The
>> problem with that is that EH insertion has been discussed ad nauseum
>> over the past two years since the draft first appeared. It seems like
>> we are at the point where the same arguments on the topic are just
>> being rehashed on the list. As you mention above, the current
>> consensus is that the EH insertion conflicts with RFC8200. Right now
>> it seems like further discussion is open ended and without any
>> constraints a likely outcome will be attrition and eventual
>> acquiescence to accepting yet another non-conformant protocol that
>> became so widely deployed so that it can be fixed.
> I think the difference in what is happening now, is that we have two drafts 
> that are being discussed instead of just volumes of email.   This is the 
> process that should allow us to see if there is a consensus beyond what is in 
> RFC8200.   I won’t speculate what the outcome of this will be.

There is a side "question" on the table: the spring/5man document
currently being wglc'ed violates RFC8200.

Are we all in agreement that until the point there's consensus to update
RFC8200 to allow EH-insertion, our specs should be complied with, and
the relevant text should be removed from the spring document?

> IETF standards are voluntary, and are designed to create interoperability 
> between different implementations.   Since we don’t have IETF Protocol Police 
> we can’t do anything about other approaches.  

But we do produce standards and have a say on what we publish.

>> In light of this, can the chairs or AD provide some guidance or
>> expectations on framing any further discussion on the topic to ensure
>> that it's productive and the process is moving forward.
> My take is that the discussion of the two drafts in 6man should continue.   
> Any work that wants to rely an outcome of that discussion, should wait.   As 
> I said earlier, it’s hard to say when that will be done.   Otherwise, I think 
> the other work should be compatible with what is in RFC8200.

Agreed. And this answers the question I posed above.


Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
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