> On Friday 27 July 2007 21:26:51 jason kirtland wrote:
> > svilen wrote:
> > > Anyway it may depend which audience are u targeting with these
> > > names -  those who never seen an API or those for which names are
> > > important  only to associate them with a
> > > library/version/use-case... both  extremes are equaly
> > > uninteresting imo.
> >
> > I came around to thinking about these names by looking at the
> > tutorial, presenting and being presented to.  The engine and
> > metadata have the honor of being the first things that anyone
> > evaluating SQLAlchemy is exposed to.  Right after that, it's all
> > tables, columns, results, and similar familiar territory.
> >
> > So the audience I had in mind is really everyone new to the
> > project, at any level- a nebulous target, and more marketing than
> > technical.  My thinking (which is not all that sophisticated on
> > this) is simply, "Is there a pain point here for first-timers?
> > Would a tweak increase adoption?"  It's also influenced a bit by my
> > own experience, I recall hitting a little speed bump there myself.
> i see what u say. for me it would not matter that much anyway if it
> was named XXYZiL, as long its easy to remember and type.
> so Catalog is okay. more or less, it means (SA) what it is (real
> world).
> Datasource...
> btw around probing dbcook on 0.4, i got some sort of statistical idea
> of what is used often, some in a frightening repeatable pattern:
> from sqlalchemy import *
> db = create_engine('url')
> meta = MetaData(db)
> and just then all else follows... in 90% of my files.
> i can make some module sqlalchemy4lazy.py that contains above...
> can the Catalog() construct from url directly? one line less...
> also think about nice short variablename for Catalog() (docs etc)
> cat = Catalog( url)

Current metadata can do that.

Gaƫtan de Menten

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