I have a case where adding a record to the following table definition
works great (and the PK auto increments nicely):

users_table = sa.Table("users", metadata,
    sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key = True),
    sa.Column("login", sa.String(40), nullable = False),
    sa.Column("password", sa.String(40), nullable = False),

but then I realized I want that to be a composite PK with id and login
together, so I change the definition to this:

users_table = sa.Table("users", metadata,
    sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key = True, autoincrement =
    sa.Column("login", sa.String(40), primary_key = True),
    sa.Column("password", sa.String(40), nullable = False),

and now the autoincrement on id no longer works.  With the latter,
when I try and add a simple record that worked before I now get:

"IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) users.id may not be NULL u'INSERT
INTO users (login, password, <etc>"

I've tried sifting through the sqlite dialect to figure out what is
going on and have even tried forcing supports_pk_autoincrement to be
true, but it rapidly became clear I hadn't a clue what I was doing in
the sqlalchemy guts.

Does anyone know why autoincrement on "id" stopped working, and how I
can fix it?

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