hm i had not run my tests for quite a while.. this seems recent thing.
lets see if i can dig anything of help... nothing much, one side 
works, another not at all.

one of my set of inheritance tests (direct over sa, A-B) is ok.

the other one (over dbcook) fails completely, even for A-B 
inheritance. But they seem same as mapping... there's something 
really subtle.
i either get a sort of decart product, or empty result.

and also i stepped on this:
  File "sqlalchemy/orm/", line 168, in __init__
    self.with_polymorphic[1] = self.with_polymorphic[1].alias()
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment


On Wednesday 03 December 2008 11:06:24 Gaetan de Menten wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been playing a bit with polymorphic concrete inheritance, and
> noticed that when you have several levels of "polymorphic" loading
> (ie my child class is also a parent class which I want to load
> polymorphically), the query for the top-level class includes the
> child polymorphic join while I don't see any reason to (its table
> is already contained in the parent join). See attached example.
> class A(object):
>     ...
> class B(A):
>     pass
> class C(B):
>     pass
> The query ends up something like:
> SELECT [all_columns] FROM ([pjoin_abc]), ([pjoin_bc])
> Am I using it wrong, or is this a bug?

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