On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 10, 2008, at 2:49 PM, desmaj wrote:
>> I dislike the idea of relying heavily on DSNs since I don't want SA to
>> tell people how to manage their systems. Giving full support to DSN-
>> less connections let's SA work with existing systems.
> DSNs would eliminate these issues for SQLAlchemy.  DSNs are the
> recommended way to connect with ODBC and im always confused why people
> don't use them.   Back when I used to use ODBC heavily, it was the
> *only* way to connect.   All of this host/port stuff with ODBC client
> libraries is unknown to me.
> this is just my 2c, im not here to say how it should be done or not.
> I would think that the standard SQLA host/port connect pattern should
> work as well if we just are aware of what kind of client library we're
> talking to.   If we can't autodetect that, then we just use a keyword
> argument "?connect_type=FreeTDS".   We can document all the different
> "connect types" somewhere and just adapt to all the newcomers that
> way.   With DSN being the default.   I definitely do not want to start
> allowing raw connect strings through create_engine() - if you need to
> do that, use the creator() function.
> Whats the status of 0.5, is DSN the default in trunk now ?

In my opinion sqlalchemy should provide dsn and dsn-less connections
options. I know it does dns-less and I'm not sure what the status is
on dsn connections.  If both are available I think that is great, if
you force users to use one or another that would cause problems for me
especially if you don't allow dns-less connections.


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