It would be interesting to see if this could be made to work. The
SimpleDB model is rather different from the relational model, so it
would only be useful if your application does not use any advanced
features - no joins etc, each 'domain' might map to one big (albeit
sparse) table.


On Jun 3, 8:38 pm, enj <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to sqlalchemy and was introduced to it by a project (cjklib)
> that uses it. I want to migrate this project to Amazon SimpleDB and
> since it makes extensive use of sqlalchemy I thought the best course
> of action might be to make a SimpleDB dialect in sqlalchemy which
> could possibly benefit other projects trying to move to AWS.
> The purpose of my post is to see if there is any such effort out there
> or any other interest in this. Also I was wondering if there is any
> good docs/tutorials on implementing a Dialect.
> From my current understanding I plan to implement 
> engine.default
> which will use the boto library to interface with 
> simpledb
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Ian Johnson
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