Hello everyone,

I am currently in the process of migrating a large legacy code base I 
inherited from SQLAlchemy 0.5 to 0.9. There is a somewhat confusing stack 
of custom decorator magic for connection, session and transaction handling 
– too unwieldy to post here in its entirety, but very likely the culprit 
for the following problem: This code

@session   # custom session decorator
def run(session=None):   # session injected here from the decorator
    session.add(Table(name='test1'))  # 'Table' is some dummy ORM-Mapper


fails with (this is py.test output):

self = <sqlalchemy.engine.base.RootTransaction object at 0x222e1d0>

    def commit(self):
        """Commit this :class:`.Transaction`."""
        if not self._parent.is_active:
>           raise exc.InvalidRequestError("This transaction is inactive")
E           InvalidRequestError: This transaction is inactive

.py:1333: InvalidRequestError

The logging of SQLAlchemy looks like this:

INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:BEGIN (implicit)
INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:INSERT INTO test_session_table (name) 

As can be guessed, the session is created with `autocommit=True`, and I 
really don't want to change the semantics here (as I said: large legacy 
code base, lots of uses for this decorator, no one really understands all 
the moving parts any more). I *could* post the session decorator code if 
asked for, but I'm not sure it'll be helpful, since it relies on a bunch of 
custom connection and pooling magic.

This error only occurs when adding Mapper objects; explicitly executing an 
analogous `INSERT` statement instead off the `.add()` works (though with a 
spurious `ReferenceError: weakly-referenced object no longer exists`). When 
executing explicit `BEGIN`/`COMMIT` statements as well (thus bypassing 
SQLAlchemy's transaction handling altogether), not even the ReferenceError 
is raised.

I'm well aware that the code I posted doesn't allow for exactly pinpointing 
the problem – I merely hoping for some educated guesses on what may go 
wrong in our stack, as well as some explanations (like what the 
RootTransaction is, and what it means when it's not active).

Many thanks in advance,

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