On Thu, 7 Jun 2018 23:19:22 -0500
"J.B. Nicholson" <j...@forestfield.org> wrote:

> George wrote:
> > Why can't we have both? I mean the software is in the public domain
> > there is nothing to hide so what's the point of encrypting the site?
> ISPs and other intermediaries alter website traffic between the
> server and the client. The purpose of their alterations is
> irrelevant, you should get the data the server is trying to send you.
> You can never be sure if what you're getting is what the server tried
> to send you if you're getting that data over HTTP instead of HTTPS.
> Also, spying on the connection is trivial when data is exchanged in
> the clear. Other parties really don't need to know what you're
> requesting from or sending to a website.
> The software's lack of copyright really doesn't enter into any of
> this. _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org
> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Hi guys,

You have all raised interesting points and when I send my opinion/email
I did it in a way not to provoke more discussion but simply request that
HTTP remains a valid and available choice.

For a discussion on why unencrypted traffic is still important check a
presentation done by Poul-Henning Kamp some time ago. The core of it as
I remember it is that some content is better left unencrypted for those
who deliver it, need to cache it and for the viewer. Heck even for the
planet i.e. less energy consumed.. on encrypted commercial CDN cookies
etc. making sure their data is good.

On the security aspect of computing i.e. addressing the HTTP over SSL
(HTTPS) I would say that running a broken Intel CPU with firmware bugs
on an operating system full of issues (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux,
BSD take your pick...) and using a protocol (TCP,HTTP) with a number of
side channel and other attacks which is why there is a short list of
cyphers for browsers and renegotiating issues abound in HTTPS and WIFI

I don't feel safer running HTTPS everywhere as Google wants with a trust
store full of certificates for companies, governments and corporations
I have never personally met or even trust by name nor can I if I
so desire disable when I want to. Or at least be given a prompt
trust or not to accept the certificates I only need (I tried
disabling all certs on my Android phone which made it useless i.e. it
had no network connectivity .... wat ... etc.)

If you look at your network traffic for any major website you will
notice that well more than half of what is coming from CDN's blasting
commercial content and collecting any data they can all powered by
Google analytics and such. So more than half of my internet bill is
for that. What SSL does is to make it very hard for someone at home to
put a proxy and filter the junk that I am forced to pay for whether I
like it or not. I wish to ensure that my kid's Internet browsing is not
full of questionable content but I have too jump carefully designed
hoops by people working full time making sure I am out of luck.

The end result being less privacy and less security as everyone is
jumping the SSL termination band wagon and basically doing the MIT that 
SSL was designed to avoid .... how ironic, hilarious and ridiculous
this all is..

Sorry for the rant just wanted to say: ... I am fine and would still
like simple plain HTTP ... if someone changes the files and the checksum
over the wire I can get the code and recompile, but they could possibly
change the code in transit or hack the SQLite server and do it on the
disk it is served from ... or run an ISP that does that in transit
or ... and etc. etc.. 

As someone who has not verified the millions of lines of code in SQLite
I trust the project is taking measure to ensure there stuff does not
get tampered with, the best way they can, if I remember well that did
not work even for the Linux kernel a much larger project.

Efforts to improve security are well advised but 100% security is very
expensive and close to impossible to achieve as all of what we are
exchanging and using is human made ... and we are alas quite far from

Best regards,

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