On 11/11/19 12:13 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 11 Nov 2019, at 4:02pm, Igor Tandetnik <i...@tandetnik.org> wrote:
>> And then what do you do with that count? What do you use it for?
> This is a key point.  When I started programming I used to do LEFT(A$(I), 14) 
> frequently.  But almost all of them were because I wanted to print the string 
> and had allocated 14 characters of space to in.
> Then came variable-width fonts.  The practise should have died out.  But 
> people are still doing it.
> There are other reasons to get the beginning of a string.  The first 
> character alone, especially.  There may be other reasons to get its length.  
> But it was mostly done because the length of the string was its width on the 
> display.  And it isn't any more.

And you do understand that getting the first 'character' (if you mean
the first printed glyph) of a string in UTF-32 is not trivial, because
it could easily be more than one code-point due to combining characters.
For many purposes it might not even include the first code-point, as
that might be a formatting meta-point like the BOM or a text-direction
code which should be skipped.

Richard Damon

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