I would endorse Roger's comments. A web interface can give you everything you can get from a stand-alone application but also gives you flexibility.

The greatest advantage of the web application is that you have no software loading onto PCs, a real nuisance. As long as the browser works you are in business.

Javascript give you plenty of capability and you can go to Java Applets if you have something very special to do.

Roger Binns wrote:
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Steve Davis wrote:
| Some time ago I wrote a member and incident management application for
| my volunteer bushfire brigade  in PHP/mySQL.  It works quite well but is
| browser based which limits it a bit.

Being browser based shouldn't be limiting you.  A big advantage is that
you can become a "channel" accessible alongside other apps (it is far
easier for users accessing a portal using PHP-Nuke, Plone, My Yahoo etc
than separate fullblown standalone apps each with its own look and
feel).  And once you have web accessing via cell phones, PDAs or
Nintendo Wiis is that much easier.

If you felt the web based interface wasn't rich enough then there are
good widget toolkits out there.  For example check out Yahoo's:

~  http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/

I also strongly recommend learning a little bit more about making
productive web apps.  See this presentation (380MB download!):

~  http://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/better-web-app.mov

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