I am using SQLite because it is easy to use (zero config). To add to your
project.  And it was  well designed by Mr. Hipp, with a really to use API. A
wild SQL support.
Because there is not Client-Server, and thousands times better than access
and foxpro
Many people uses, so there is a lot of help.
A lot wrappers for C++, PHP, Python, Ruby on rails, and others.
Because it is done in C, it will have a great performance

A proof of the power of SQLite is that is used in Google Gear Project.

On 07/06/07, Tim Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm writing an article about SQLite and I'd love to get some comments
from users about why you use it. Performance? Features? Reliability?
Cost? Is the open source aspect important? Anything else? For that
matter, anything you really don't like about SQLite?

You can email me at tim(at)itwriting.com or comment here if you prefer -
but to use your quote I'd need at least a full name, what you do and the
company you work for

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Cesar Rodas
Mobile Phone: 595 961 974165
Phone: 595 21 645590

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