The new look for the SQLite website is now in place,
if you haven't already noticed:


Even though the new look is "in place" you should
understand this as a work in progress, not a done
deal.  I am still looking for suggestions, comments,
and bug reports.  I am particularly interested in
help in the following ways:

  *  Suggestions for something better to put on
the home page.
  *  Suggestions for better CSS for the CVSTrac
     pages.  Example:  http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/timeline
     If you can save off a copy of that page, adjust
     the CSS to make it look better, then send me
     your adjustments (or post them here) that would
     be a *big* help.

* Somebody please suggest a better tag line - something better than "The World's Most Widely
     Used SQL Database".

  *  Suggest changes that will provide a search
     bar in the upper right-hand corner.

The feedback from this mailing list has so far been
very helpful.  Please don't stop offering suggestions.


A few things I have noticed since using the revised web site:

1) The line spacing of the sans-serif Verdana font is too tight, making it difficult to read in blocks of text. I would suggest adding "line-height: 16pt;" or something similar to the body section of your CSS. The additional spacing make the text areas more readable to me.

2) I generally find the default Verdana font size to be too large. The whole site looks better to me if I do (in Firefox) View->Text Size->Decrease once to reduce the font size everywhere.

3) I agree with Scott Hess who has reported that the max-width of 800px causes unnecessary wrapping in the navigation menu. In fact the current menu (with the sitemap link added) is too wide to fit in the allowed width on one line, and therefore wraps the support link to a second line. Also, on the CVStrac pages, it is only applied to the header area, so that the header is narrower than the CVStrac menu block on a wide window. I don't see the reason for limiting the width to 800 pixels when many people have much large screens these days. Maybe you could explain why you think it is necessary.

4) The colors used for links are too similar to the text color and to each other. If the links are supposed to standout from the text, the color should be more distinctive. I appreciate that the links are underlined, but I think a more distinctive color would help locating them quickly. Also, the color difference between visited links is insufficient to allow one to tell if a link has been visited or not with a glance, unless it is adjacent to another link. If you don't want to mark visited links, then make the colors the same. If you do, then make the color more obviously different from an unvisited link.

5) There is no link to the CVStrac home page on the navigation bar, or any of the pages reached from the navigation bar. I know I can go to the timeline and then click the home link, but there should be a more direct way to get to the CVStrac home page.

6) The same goes for the wiki pages. There should be a link from the documentation page, and probably also from the support page, if not directly from the navigation menu. People certainly won't use the wiki if they can't get to it easily.

Dennis Cote

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