fwiw, Zbigniew, I did not consider you rude or argumentative, but yes,
this thread would have been "trimmed" a lot earlier after pretty much
the very first "request for implementation."

I hope you won't be put off by any perceived "hostility." No one wants
to be that way. Your comments, contributions and suggestions, even
help to other newbies, will always be welcome and will enrich the
SQLite community. Please stay active on the list and don't mind any
minor friction here and there.

I, of course, speak for myself, and not for other companies.



On 1/9/08, Zbigniew Baniewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 07:15:52PM +0100, Kees Nuyt wrote:
> > It's a culture thing. In Eastern Europe this is the normal way
> > of reasoning, and isn't considered rude (my girlfriend is
> > Latvian from Russian parents, so I have some experience with
> > this kind of culture shock).
> I'm afraid, I don't understand. Am I expected here to agree with everyone,
> because I'll be seen as "rude" otherwise? That's too bad - but it's not my
> way to change my mind under pressure.
> Everyone here can have his/her own opinion - and so can I. And my opinion
> can differ from the opinion of the others' (and vice versa).
> Ending the thread (I hope), I want to repeat: I wrote *yesterday*: "OK, no
> problem". Everyone can check out this lists archive. The devs - especially
> "the Highest One" - answered "no", and it's enough for me. But my opinion
> about the proposed feature stays. So what? It's mine. Perhaps really - after
> ending my current work - I'll write that patch on my own. Fred, Ken and all
> the others' (even that mentioned "poor ***") can have different opinions, of
> their own. I didn't deny it - as (almost) all the others are denying my
> right to have my own opinion.
> I can't understand all that people tryin' to start a flamewar here *after*
> I ended the discussion *yesterday* already. Are they bored, and looking for
> some doubtful "fun"? But why exactly here?
> --
>                                 pozdrawiam / regards
>                                                 Zbigniew Baniewski
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Puneet Kishor
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
Summer 2007 S&T Policy Fellow, The National Academies

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