On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 07:15:52PM +0100, Kees Nuyt wrote:

> It's a culture thing. In Eastern Europe this is the normal way
> of reasoning, and isn't considered rude (my girlfriend is
> Latvian from Russian parents, so I have some experience with
> this kind of culture shock).

I'm afraid, I don't understand. Am I expected here to agree with everyone,
because I'll be seen as "rude" otherwise? That's too bad - but it's not my
way to change my mind under pressure.

Everyone here can have his/her own opinion - and so can I. And my opinion
can differ from the opinion of the others' (and vice versa).

Ending the thread (I hope), I want to repeat: I wrote *yesterday*: "OK, no
problem". Everyone can check out this lists archive. The devs - especially
"the Highest One" - answered "no", and it's enough for me. But my opinion
about the proposed feature stays. So what? It's mine. Perhaps really - after
ending my current work - I'll write that patch on my own. Fred, Ken and all
the others' (even that mentioned "poor ***") can have different opinions, of
their own. I didn't deny it - as (almost) all the others are denying my
right to have my own opinion.

I can't understand all that people tryin' to start a flamewar here *after*
I ended the discussion *yesterday* already. Are they bored, and looking for
some doubtful "fun"? But why exactly here?
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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