Mike said:

>>According to my math your final database size should be on the order
of 100Meg?
>>That means at 200 minutes and 1,000,000 records:
>>83 inserts per second
>>8333 bytes per second

>>Both of these values are terrible.

>>#1 What kind of network connection do you have?  100BaseT?
>>#2 What kind of server are you writing to?
>>#3 How fast does this run if you write to your local machine?

>>Michael D. Black

>It DOES sound terrible since 90%? of the time is spend in retrieving
>data from a remote oracle server over a slow line. The problem is that
>the time spend saving to sqlite is still more than I used to spend on
>saving to my previous file system.

>Can you answer #3 though?

It's nearly 50% faster.

>Does anybody know how to make the journal file go to a different
location than the database?  Apprarently it's not treated as a
"temporary" file.  Perhaps it should be??

Mike said:

Now I'm confused...how can you be 50% faster if 90% of the time is in
retrieving from Oracle?

Werner with a list of processing speeds to clarify matters.

Date       Strt  End   Minutes     recs     Version Filename
2010-05-03 15:42 16:49     66.7 F  421710 Due
2010-05-24 01:12 01:30     17.9 F  419604   CLAR    Due
2010-05-27 11:07 13:01    113.5 F  419604 Due
2010-06-03 18:54 19:42     47.8 F  419604 Due
2010-06-04 17:24 18:09     45.5 B  419604 Due
2010-06-07 11:08 13:59    170.5 U  419604 Due
2010-06-17 09:13 09:29     16.2 B  419604   CLAR    Due
2010-06-28 13:51 14:07     15.9 F  419604   CLAR    Due
2010-06-28 15:12 15:37     25.4 B  419604   CLAR    Due
2010-06-29 15:57 16:21     24.1 B  419604   CLAR    Due
2010-06-30 11:39 12:17     37.8 F  418620 Due
2010-07-08 14:38 15:28     49.4 F  418620 Due
2010-07-13 13:09 13:52     42.2 U  418620 Due
2010-07-13 18:02 18:31     28.6 F  418620 Due (local drive)
2010-07-14 13:27 14:15     47.8 B  418620 Due
2010-07-14 15:28 16:03     34.6 F  418620 Due

I hope above lines stay in correct columns.
As you can see I started with building these records in 66 minutes.
Where previous version "CLAR" takes between 15 and 24 minutes

After taking out count(*) and adding a few pragma's and saving 6000
records rather than 500 at a time I've got it down to 34 minutes.
If I build in on local drive it takes 28 minutes.(with chunks of 500)

I went with a finecomb thru the code and could not find any other
showstoppers like "count"
Maybe I should dump to a txt file and see what the speed is like?

ps. The last entry (34 minutes) was done with blocks of 6000 rather than
blocks of 500.

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