On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 02:58:58 -0700 (PDT), LiranR
<liran.rit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Thanks for the answer, but i think you didn't understand what i asked.
> I use primary key index in my table.
> When i finish to fill the table, row after row, i want to start all over
> again and update the table from row 1 to row 1000000. The difference is that
> in the second time, the index of the first row wont be 1, but 1000001, and
> then i will update the second row and it's index will be 1000002, and so
> on... (when i reach the 1000000 row, i update it with the index 2000000, and
> than again, first row will be update with index 2000001).
> My question is - Does it take heavy performance to reindex the row every
> time (because the row get another index number - in this example, a number
> that is bigger by 1000000 than the last row's index number).

It will take about the same effort as deleting and inserting a
row, or about twice as much as inserting a row.
Show us your schema and we may be able to advise on optimizations.
(output of .schema in the sqlite3 command line tool will do).

Note: index is a resserved word. Using it as a column name is
  (  Kees Nuyt
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