On 20 janv. 2012, at 18:08, Simon Slavin wrote:

> On 20 Jan 2012, at 3:42pm, Don V Nielsen wrote:
>> Recent conversations by users has
>> convinced me that I would be better off using the amalgamation file
>> instead.  However, I don't know what steps in VS to do to specify the
>> source and header files so that it compiles into my application.
>> Can someone walk through steps necessary for specifying properties,
>> references, and source code.
> And once it's done can we add it to the documentation or something ?  A page 
> for each of the most common uses would be excellent: one for VS, one for 
> common Linux compilations, one for Xcode on Macs, would be really useful.
> Simon.

I am a Mac developer, and I haven't even tried to look for such documentation 
on Xcode. This is because the steps to follow couldn't be more obvious. Here 
they are:

Step 1: drag and drop the amalgamation files to your Xcode project
Step 2: there is no step 2

Anything beyond that concerns your project, not SQLite.


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