In another library, I had to specify "x86" processor because it wasn't designed 
for 64-bit machines.  Might you need to do that?


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Electric Eddy
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 10:26 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLiteDataAdaptor Missing

I performed the following steps:

1) Checked out the latest local copy using the command 'fossil update'
2) I opened a Visual Studio command prompt, changed into the tools installer 
folder and executed the command MSBuild Installer.2008.csproj
3) I changed into the root/bin/2008/Debug/bin folder and executed the following 
one line command:

Installer.exe -install true -wow64 true -installFlags All -tracePriority Lowest 
-verbose true -noCompact true -noNetFx40 true -noVs2008 true
-noVs2010 true -whatIf false -confirm true

This then popped up an error message dialogue box stating:

Invalid core file image runtime version.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Joe Mistachkin <>wrote:

> Electric Eddy wrote:
> >
> > Maybe not going as far as including updates in the installer for 
> > support for 2005 but at least a manual process for getting it 
> > working in 2005
> would
> > be very helpful.
> >
> I've just checked-in preliminary support to the design-time component 
> installer for Visual Studio 2005; however, I currently have no way to 
> test it.
> If you wish to use and/or test it, here is the command line you will 
> need after building "Installer.exe" (which can be built using MSBuild 
> on the command
> line):
>        Installer.exe -install true -wow64 true -installFlags All
>        -tracePriority Lowest -verbose true -noCompact true -noNetFx40 true
>        -noVs2008 true -noVs2010 true -whatIf false -confirm true
> All of that needs to be on one line.
> --
> Joe Mistachkin
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