On 12 Jul 2013, at 9:02pm, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> Proposed documentation enhancement here:
> http://www.sqlite.org/draft/isolation.html

I hope you don't mind that I posted this publicly.  It's a bit strong for a 
public forum, but I suspect that other readers of this forum might want to 
chime in and tell me I'm overreacting, or even suggest even better ways of 
conveying the information concerned.

I'm not a fan of the draft version of that page and feel there's scope for 
improvement before production.  It says various things about SQLite but doesn't 
seem to group them in an order that any particular reader would find useful.  
Each reader would have to read a lot of text then try to pick through it to 
figure out what they want to know.  And the page as a whole is too long and 
complicated: I can't tell whether I've gathered the points I need or not.

The page seems to talk about two things:

A) What is a database connection ?  What is the connection between a connection 
and a database lock.  What is the connection between a connection and 
uncommitted changes ?  How do various PRAGMAs (including shared connections) 
change this ?

The major unexpected thing here is how SQLite deals with a case where two 
different connections (which may be from different apps on different computers) 
both have uncommitted changes.  I think explaining things using this as the key 
point may make explaining the other aspects unnecessary: they will all come out 
in the wash.


B) The SQL SELECT operation theoretically happens in an instant, but the SQLite 
API allows the programmer to execute it bit by bit.  What happens if (a) 
another connection or (b) the same connection makes changes to the database 
between the start and the end of the operation ?

While this page goes into some detail about (B) I think much of this is 
unnecessary detail and can be replaced by two simple statements: 

(1) Other connections cannot commit changes until the SELECT is finished. (is 
this true ?)
(2) If changes are made using the same connection as is used for the SELECT, 
the results are unpredictable, even to the extent that rows may be omitted or 
returned twice.

Once the reader has accepted (2), everything else necessary follows.  They 
already know what they should or shouldn't do.


I'm not even a fan of the summary, which is needed only because the whole page 
is so long.  If one is really needed, then perhaps some of these can be done:

Summary item 1 could point to (or perhaps replace) this page

<http://www.sqlite.org/transactional.html> [1]

with its useful pointer to the WP article on serializability.

Item 2 is sometimes false because of the combination of pragmas mentioned in 
the body of the article.

Item 3 needs a statement about when a query starts (is it the _prepare() or the 
first _step() or sometimes one sometimes another ?).

Items 3 and 5 should be rephrased or merged to explain the timeline:

_prepare() done here
set 1 of changes
first _step() done here
set 2 of changes
more _step()s here
set 3 of changes
step() returns SQLITE_DONE here

Describe for each set whether SELECT will be affected by the changes at all, 
and whether the changes may cause SELECT to return an inconsistent set of rows.

Items 4 and 5 should be merged.  Or perhaps item 4 doesn't need to be there at 
all, since item 5 is so much stronger than it: the results may not only be 
unpredictable but they may not even make sense.

Items 2 and 6 should be rephrased or merged.  6 weakens and modifies (or 
arguably contradicts) 2.


[1] which is missing a 't' on its last line
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