On 2014/05/28 20:26, Warren Young wrote:
On 5/28/2014 11:20, jose isaias cabrera wrote:

I would rather have the speed
then the size.

Rather speed than size is an Engineering decision which is easy on a desktop/server system (such as most Windows/OSX/*nix implementations) but it may well be the opposite in a phone or other handheld device or small integrated system where IO is so significantly slower and size is paramount. What's more, SQLite caters (and have always catered) for these embedded implementations - and while today on most ARM things or Android/iSomething systems size is becoming less of a concern than it historically was, SQLite's focus is still correctly aimed at un-bulk.

Many years ago, I read an article written by a Microsoft employee where they said they built Windows' own binaries optimized for size rather than speed, since in today's L1/L2/L3 world, size *is* speed.

Bigger code gets kicked out of the processor cache faster, so the processor has 
to go back to main memory more often.

Others have already responded with lots of caveats to this, but let me add to never confuse file size with resulting code size. One optimization may be to provide a few different versions of the same set of code bits that get used based on criteria. The people who make the optimizers are usually quite well versed in what makes for faster execution and/or size and it is unlikely that they will have made really bad choices as visible from the sideline by us forum dwellers - no matter which one of the OSes they mainly serve.

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