On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 2:07 PM, Mario M. Westphal <m...@mwlabs.de> wrote:

> Most database damaged errors encountered over time could be pinned to
> power failures, disk or *network problems*.
> </snip>

Network problems?  I might have missed a good chunk of this thread, but,
this begs to be asked.... Are you running a client/server model in which
the server is the ONLY machine accessing the database file, or, do you have
multiple machines touching the file via a network share?  If you're running
multiple machines talking via a network interface directly to the database,
you need to stop, ESPECIALLY with the up in frequency you seem to be
running into this problem.  I did note you did read the "How To Corrupt"
page, but you may have missed the whole networking thing that shouldn't be

If you're running client/server in that a client opens a custom network
protocol to a server application, and the server application touches the
database BY ITSELF, then you need to look at what the hardware is doing
between the application and the storage device.

I can't say for certain, and maybe Dr Hipp and others will need to get
involved in looking at the low level SQLite code base, but if YOUR code
base code is from 2008, and it is now 2015, and you've got applications
talking with a single source (Meaning one customer = one source of their
own data) with different versions of the SQLite code, *MAYBE* you're
looking at an older and bugged version of SQLite that is doing one thing to
the raw data while a working version comes back and informs you with the
"WTF?" errors.
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