On Fri, 5 Jun 2015 13:07:59 -0400
Stephen Chrzanowski <pontiac76 at gmail.com> wrote:

> If N-Tier software development is 'annoying' and you are not happy,
> either get help by other members of your team, or, find a different
> hobby, because anything less than 3-tier programming dealing with
> multiple languages, technologies and functionality just isn't going
> away.  Quite honestly, and this is just my opinion, but I think it is
> absolutely wrong of you to go into a place of employment angry or
> annoyed at ANY level because of the multiple languages and
> technologies used to bring your product to life. Get mad at the
> politics, not the tools being used.  

Whew!  Most days this list is as well behaved as a mature poodle, and
then once in a while someone writes a rant that segfaults on the first

You're saying complexity here to stay, it's inevitable.  Simon is
saying it's unnecesary (ergo annoying).  The more you know about
inherent and accidental complexity, the lower your threshold for being
annoyed by the latter.  There's no reason your 6-tier application
couldn't be written in a single language.  You could have one syntax
for data structures, one representation (and semantics) for missing
data, one binary representation for each type.  You could throw an
exception at tier-0 couldn't be caught in tier-5.  

The jumble of technologies we use is very much a happenstance accident
of industrial history.  No one designed it that way.  Why else would we
have no less than two completely different abstractions of the machine
-- the OS and the browser -- connected by nothing more sophisticated
than a stream of bytes?

> Second... Come on... Really?  This "switching...requires a lot of
> effort" comment is a pretty weak sauce excuse coming from any
> developer

It's not an excuse, "sauce" (whatever that means) or otherwise.  It's a
fact.  It's called "cognitive load" and it's been recognized since the
dawn of software.  


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