On 5 Jun 2015, at 3:05pm, Don V Nielsen <donvnielsen at gmail.com> wrote:

> I do all kinds of --stuff--
> using Ruby and PHP.  And the --stuff-- gets translated to SQL and sent to
> my favorite db, Sqlite.

I find it very annoying that in order to do good Web-facing systems I have to 
know all the following:

HTML (and CSS if you consider that separate)
HTML5 APIs for sound/movies/drag&drop/forms/whatever

That's six sets of knowledge to do one thing.  Granted, they do different 
things in different ways but it's still rather a lot to fit into m noggin.  And 
it's annoying when you think you're debugging a JavaScript problem but it turns 
out that a SQL command doesn't mean what you thought it did: switching my brain 
between JavaScripting and SQLing seems to require a lot of effort.


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