No, their library is compiled right into my DLL and when my code is run their 
runs simultaneously using their statically linked Sqlite3 code.. while my code 
inside the same process (DLL) is attempting to use my statically liked Sqlite3 
code at the same time.  I cannot use their Sqlite3 code and they can't use mine.

Because they're in the same process -- I suspect the issue is with the static 
variables and functions inside the Sqlite3 code.



On Apr 6, 2016, at 2:20 AM, Simon Slavin <slavins at> wrote:

> On 6 Apr 2016, at 9:58am, Rail Jon Rogut <sqlite3 at> 
> wrote:
>> That I can demonstrate all day long.. but I'd have to show that the issue is 
>> their library causing the issue, so I'd need to demonstrate the shell 
>> executing the commands okay without their library attached.
> Okay, I misunderstood.  I thought that you were writing one program calling 
> the SQLite API directly, and that it was running at the same time as another 
> program you had no control over.  I had meant that the SQLite Shell Tool as 
> the 'other' program.
> So instead, to test this keep your program as it is and use the shell tool to 
> have the database open, and having done a SELECT command or something to 
> ensure that it really does have the database file open.
> Then run your program including the amalgamation source code and have it call 
> the SQLite API directly.  That should work.  Then replace the amalgamation 
> source code with the 3rd party DLL you've been told to use and see if that 
> introduces problems.  If it does you have a small easily-reproduced problem.  
> And the code you included in an earlier post is small enough that if they 
> think you're doing something wrong they should be able to tell you what they 
> think you're doing wrong.
> Simon.
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