On 6 Apr 2016, at 3:28am, Rail Jon Rogut <sqlite3 at platinumsamples.com> wrote:

> You'll notice I don't get an error at sqlite3_exec() in the open method...

That PRAGMA does not require any file access so the file is still not being 
opened.  If you want to force file access you could do something like

SELECT rowid FROM myTable LIMIT 1

> The 3rd party are trying to imply it's my code at fault -- but I can't see 
> anything I'm doing wrong.

Instead of using your own code to access the database, download and use the 
SQLite shell tool to execute the same SQL commands.  Just open the file and 
type the commands in.  The shell tool was written by the same team which wrote 
SQLite itself.  It is the canonical demonstration of the right way to do things.

If you can make the shell tool crash report 'disk IO error', you can tell them 
that they're now blaming the SQLite team for doing it wrong, and they will have 
something to investigate which can't be blamed on any code you wrote.

> So you're saying I'm basically screwed :)

Only if you insist on using that 3rd party thing.


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