On 3/19/09 11:07 AM, "erfon haubenstock" <m...@erfon.com> wrote:

> Hello Jean-Denis!  I did it manually in terminal.  I'm not familiar with
> macports or finks.
> Here's the exact code i used:
> $ curl http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3.6.11.tar.gz | tar zx
> $ cd sqlite-3.6.11
> $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
> $ make
> $ sudo make install

Then, without trying to replicate this, I suspect you have an issue with
your PATH.

In my path, /usr/bin precedes /usr/local/bin.

Echo $PATH and which sqlite3 are your friends.

Handling this kind of issues transparently is one of the benefits of package
distribution facilities such as MacPorts and Fink. I personally use
MacPorts. See http://www.macports.org/. It has SQLite 3.6.11 as an available

I hope that helps.


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