SQLite and R are already integrated through the RSQLite/DBI packages
and even higher level facilities (which I have posted about on this
thread) also exist.  I think that such an integration would logically
be done by R people rather than sqlite people.

In the discussion on this thread integration may mean different things
to different people so if you are referring to specific features
beyond what exists (such as a SQL functions written in R or stored
procedures written in R) then you can (1) speak with the RSQLite
package maintainer to see if he is interested in adding them or (2) if
you are interested in contributing then also discuss it with him, or
(3) if you are referring to specific features that make more sense in
certain other R packages (sqldf, RODBC, RJDBC, sqliteDF) then you can
communicate to the maintainers of those packages.

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Matt Young <youngsan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to see SQLite integrated into the R statistical package. R Project
> http://www.gardenersown.co.uk/Education/Lectures/R/regression.htm#multiple_regression
> for example.
> R statistical is very and becoming more popular, has great plotting,
> and wrestles data in frames that look awfully like sql tables.  R has
> built in procedure function, can cast text around fairly powerfully
> and so on.  It is begging for the sqlite engine.
> Like me, getting better access to government statistical table.
> On 5/2/10, Gilles Ganault <gilles.gana...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It's probably quite an easy thing to do for someone well versed in C,
>> but I haven't seen a project that would combine a web server and
>> SQLite into a single EXE.
>> Besides ease of deployment, this would offer a cross-platform solution
>> that wouldn't require developing a specific client-side connector,
>> since both hosts would speak HTTP.
>> Would someone with enough know-how be interested in giving it a shot?
>> Are there technical reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea?
>> Thank you.
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