Thanks, I will follow up.

On 5/2/10, Gabor Grothendieck <> wrote:
> SQLite and R are already integrated through the RSQLite/DBI packages
> and even higher level facilities (which I have posted about on this
> thread) also exist.  I think that such an integration would logically
> be done by R people rather than sqlite people.
> In the discussion on this thread integration may mean different things
> to different people so if you are referring to specific features
> beyond what exists (such as a SQL functions written in R or stored
> procedures written in R) then you can (1) speak with the RSQLite
> package maintainer to see if he is interested in adding them or (2) if
> you are interested in contributing then also discuss it with him, or
> (3) if you are referring to specific features that make more sense in
> certain other R packages (sqldf, RODBC, RJDBC, sqliteDF) then you can
> communicate to the maintainers of those packages.
> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Matt Young <> wrote:
>> I want to see SQLite integrated into the R statistical package. R Project
>> for example.
>> R statistical is very and becoming more popular, has great plotting,
>> and wrestles data in frames that look awfully like sql tables.  R has
>> built in procedure function, can cast text around fairly powerfully
>> and so on.  It is begging for the sqlite engine.
>> Like me, getting better access to government statistical table.
>> On 5/2/10, Gilles Ganault <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> It's probably quite an easy thing to do for someone well versed in C,
>>> but I haven't seen a project that would combine a web server and
>>> SQLite into a single EXE.
>>> Besides ease of deployment, this would offer a cross-platform solution
>>> that wouldn't require developing a specific client-side connector,
>>> since both hosts would speak HTTP.
>>> Would someone with enough know-how be interested in giving it a shot?
>>> Are there technical reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea?
>>> Thank you.
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