As example, on my laptop AOL Web Server+SQLite database + TCL scripts
can perform more than 1000 HTTP request per second. But AOLServer is a
solution for big projects. I am using AOLServer for projects with a
few hundreds and more of concurrent user sessions. And for many
projects SQLite is more better than PostgreSQL database (selects in
SQLitre is exteremly fast).

You can see a single-threaded performance tests of my Fossil repository here:

Single-file executable (TCL starpack) with custom socket event handler
+ tclsqlite package + database is more reasonable way. Produce
JSON/XML/etc. output is a trivial task. A few thousands of requests
per second is available by this (about 10 000 requests per second is
limit on my laptop for TCL sockets). I think you can't do this with

2010/5/3 Sam Carleton <>:
> I must respectfully disagree with the statement that Apache is huge and
> complicated, but I guess it is all relative...

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.
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