Am 16.12.2014 17:44, schrieb Keith Medcalf:

Most freely available encryption extensions use a hard coded encryption
method. This is true for System.Data.SQLite (128 bit RSA), SQLCipher
(256 bit AES), and wxSQLite3 (128 or 256 bit AES, decided at compile
time) to name a few. The official commercial SQLite Encryption Extension
(SEE) allows to select an encryption method at runtime, this is done by
using a method prefix in the encryption key passed to function

RSA?  As in Rivest-Shamir-Adleman?  I have seen this on the list multiple times 
now and I doubt very much that RSA is used.  It must be slower than molasses 
running uphill in Siberia in January ... which is why RSA is never used for 
data encryption.  Encryption of the symmetric key maybe, but of the data?  And 
128-bit RSA has a security lifetime of about 38 seconds, so it is little better 
than XOR obfuscation.

Are you sure you do not mean RC4 or RC5?

You are right: the encryption algorithm used by System.Data.SQLite is RC4.

I mixed it up with the PROV_RSA_FULL provider type used in acquiring the crypting context. Sorry for any confusion this caused.



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