I've done that, Michael, but don't see much in the scanner log (below)

I see this:

[20-09-12 07:52:49.4831]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (488) Create
fulltext index for playlists
[20-09-12 11:10:59.3181]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (503) Optimize
fulltext index

Which tells me that most of the time indeed is spent in the playlist processing, which I fixed a few days ago. Previously it wouldn't include track information in the playlist index. While I do understand that it's taking longer now, I need to investigate why it would take _that_ much longer...

How technical would you be? I don't have playlists that large to test with. If I posted a change, would you be able to apply the code change to re-test with your collection (probably won't happen over the weekend)?

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