anglecard48 wrote: 
> I think my piCorePlayer is connected to my network. I am using it now
> successfully with Pandora. I will mention that my tech expertise is very
> non expert. I have never understood why my Logitech Media Server Player
> tab says "Your player was not found." But, since Pandora showed up on my
> remote, I didn't give it much more thought.
> In response to suggestion from Jeff07971 I am not seeing Qobuz on the
> list that Jeff pointed me to. See my screenshot. Also on that screenshot
> notice upper right corner of the screen grab shows the piCore Player.
> In reply to suggestion from slartibartfast, I can log into the
> picoreplayer web page. But I don't see anywhere in that site where I can
> select Qobuz or "connect" piCore Player. I have attached a screen grab.
> Finally I have also attached a couple screengrabs from the website
> I don't understand that site and how it dovetails with
> they other two, but add it here to round out my confusion.
> Thanks so much for your help. You all helped me set up my Raspberry Pi
> and PiCore Player. It was a mystery to me. But you led me through it.Are you 
> running LMS on your laptop AND on piCorePlayer? If so you have
two servers and  the player can only be connected to one at a time. I
would just use LMS on poCorePlayer and shutdown LMS on the laptop.

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