I'm getting closer. I still am not quite there and need more help if I
could impose one more time.

The advice that has made the change is this from kidstypike:

In the piCorePlayer web interface > LMS page, click on "Configure LMS".
On the page that opens click on the plugins tab, install Quboz if it's
not already installed. You should see it listed under 3rd party

I did that. Checked the Qobuz box.

I now see Qobuz in the listed apps on my remote controller. See screen
grab. But my controller is also giving me instructions that I do not
know how to follow. I have attached that as well.

I don't know where to go to enter my Qobuz user name and passsword in
Server Settings / Advanced / Qobuz.

I don't see where I would do that on the remote and I don't see where I
would do that in:

the piCorePlayer web interface > LMS page
the pcp LMS main page
the mysqueezebox.com/user/apps page


|Filename: Remote Qobuz 2.JPG                                       |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36550|

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