Larry meant my used, outdated, temperamental, complicated digital camera
(I got it cheap!) when he wrote;
> Twist Geoff's arm to bring his  fancy digital camera and get you
>a few pictures of the doings.<

We'll try--remember, Larry also has a HIS  RR and  a HERS RR. Bloody good
way to keep the ladies (managing directors) happy and  budget extra funds!
Anyway NG steam wil be the name of the game. Larry is a great video man, by
the way!

All this is our fun substitute for those lovely steamups in the Bay-
Sacramento area and parts of Oregon, they are just too far from us for a
day's steamup--and--gas is $1.99 up here! Yes and too far for all those
other steamups across the USA.


>As Geoff mentioned, several of the steamers in our area have Garden Railroads,
>including me. Geoff, myself, and a few others will be steaming up my
>garden RR on
>Sunday, April 1. Twist Geoff's arm to bring his  fancy digital camera and
>get you
>a few pictures of the doings.
>One of the best Garden Railroads in the area is featured on the Steam in the
>Garden magazine's web site. There you can see Geoff in all his magnificence,
>Kevin, Richard, and the back of my head, taking videos.
>To get there, go to:  then choose "What's New". Scroll
>down to 10/23/00.  Choose Oktoberfest Steamup. Enjoy! I'll get Geoff to share
>your pictures with me later, if you don't mind.
>Larry Buerer
>Bayside & Western RR.



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