Fabio Forno schrieb:
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 1:29 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Let's try to RESTify it in order to have a more general solution:

 What is the particular benefit here of having a RESTful interface?

An exercise, since the XEP was referencing  REST ;)
Jokes apart, REST is paradigm that clearly separates the roles in a
distributed application, trying to leave out from the transport any
aspect that is application dependent, such as session handling. I'm
not a RESTologist, or a REST worshiper, but there is good common sense
in it, and when designing a protocol it is wise to give a look to
these principles.
While thinking about the session I realized that it is possible to do this behaviour like put/delete/... with the io data container. For example it should be possible to write schemata for io of io data container that define/offers certain actions like post get delete put and may contain a <header> and <body> and even the URIs you suggested.

You could even run the ad hoc command in a one execute/complete step way - thus the sessionid of Ad-Hoc Commands would play no role. I think this way you can RESTify the service, too.

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