Johannes Wagener wrote:
> Proposed XMPP Extension: IO DATA
> Hello,
> here I submit a proposal for a new XEP called "IO DATA".
> The XEP is already located in the XEP inbox directory:
>  URL:
> However, the initial version is erroneously missing some namespaces in
> the examples, therefore we append the current fixed version as PDF to
> the mail directly to the standards mailing list.

Feel free to send updated versions to me and I'll update that URL.

> Abstract: This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for
> handling the input to and output from a remote entity.
> Further explanation comes here:
> We want to do dynamic Web Services over XMPP. For certain reasons we
> explain in the XEP we think neither SOAP over XMPP nor Jabber-RPC is the
> way to go. We think future asynchronous Web Services can be best
> implemented with the session based Ad-Hoc Commands XEP-0050.
> Thus, and as already suggested in Ad-Hoc Commands we describe an
> alternative data container IO DATA that can transport more complex data
> than Data Forms. The specification describes a way to discover the
> Schemata of the IO DATA input and output at runtime, too. Thus a client
> implementation can dynamically marshal an API for the input and output
> of a certain service.

Yes, ad-hoc commands can include payloads other than XEP-0004 data
forms. It's good to see someone using that extensibility.

Just curious: did you look at XForms?


Peter Saint-Andre

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