Peter Saint-Andre schrieb:
Johannes Wagener wrote:
Proposed XMPP Extension: IO DATA

here I submit a proposal for a new XEP called "IO DATA".

The XEP is already located in the XEP inbox directory:

However, the initial version is erroneously missing some namespaces in
the examples, therefore we append the current fixed version as PDF to
the mail directly to the standards mailing list.

Feel free to send updated versions to me and I'll update that URL.
Yes, I will do so this weekend. I will have fixed the issues I got pointed to within the discussion...
Abstract: This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for
handling the input to and output from a remote entity.

Further explanation comes here:
We want to do dynamic Web Services over XMPP. For certain reasons we
explain in the XEP we think neither SOAP over XMPP nor Jabber-RPC is the
way to go. We think future asynchronous Web Services can be best
implemented with the session based Ad-Hoc Commands XEP-0050.

Thus, and as already suggested in Ad-Hoc Commands we describe an
alternative data container IO DATA that can transport more complex data
than Data Forms. The specification describes a way to discover the
Schemata of the IO DATA input and output at runtime, too. Thus a client
implementation can dynamically marshal an API for the input and output
of a certain service.

Yes, ad-hoc commands can include payloads other than XEP-0004 data
forms. It's good to see someone using that extensibility.

Just curious: did you look at XForms?
I looked at XForms. XForms is primarily used for a form based data transmission while describing certain layers of abstraction. We thought that these abstractions are already too restrictive and are not required for a general usage. Though it is still possible to pass XForms in the data container of our XEP proposal without changing anything. all that would be advised is to publish a schema with the linking to the XForm Schema.

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