On 6/17/10 7:29 AM, Konstantin Kozlov wrote:
> Kevin Smith wrote:
>> What's the use case for needing to know when the user has been shown
>> the message?
>    I don't know. For me knowing that message was displayed on the other
> side is absolutely useless.

This is my point: it is *impossible* for you to know if I have actually
read a message you have sent me (we discussed this in our IM chat the
other day). You can know if the message has been delivered to my client
(and this helps to determine if there are delivery problems along the
XMPP communication path). You can know if the message has been presented
in an interface that has focus. You can know if the message has been
marked-as-read. But you can't know if I have physically looked over all
the words of your message (or heard all the words in an interface for
the blind or whatever) and have conceptually absorbed what you have
written. Even if my client forces me to click some "OK" button to
acknowledge that I have read and understood each message, I'll just
click that each time to get rid of the annoying popup. You can't know if
I've read the message, so why pretend?


Peter Saint-Andre

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