On 8/10/11 2:31 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
> On Wed Aug 10 03:41:40 2011, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> I can't think of anything more appropriate for presence than
>> communication context. As RFC 6121 says:
>>    Any extended content included in a presence stanza SHOULD represent
>>    aspects of an entity's availability for communication or provide
>>    information about communication-related capabilities.
>> To my mind, PEP is for everything else -- tunes, activities, location,
>> and other things that change more or less frequently than presence
>> itself.
> (As I'm about to hit send, I've seen Ralph's note arrive - +1 to
> everything in that, 

Perhaps in rfc6121bis we should remove <show/> and <status/> then? ;-)

> with the exception that I think temporary
> disconnections are a per-connection thing by definition, and therefore
> have to live in <presence/>)

For sure.

> But XEP-0108 includes both phone calls and meetings.
> Moreover, it even allows your Webex case to be properly handled:
> <activity xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/activity'>
>  <working>
>   <in_a_meeting>
>     <webex xmlns='http://www.webex.com/xml/webex'/>
>   </in_a_meeting>
>  </working>
> </activity>
> Moreover, PEP allows you do set the activity and drop offline.

Now, that is a handy feature.


Peter Saint-Andre

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