On Thu Dec  8 23:13:38 2011, Matthew A. Miller wrote:
I'd like to point out that all of our XML Schemas are non-normative. They're provided for informational use, and ought not be considered the absolute record of authority.

What follows is my understanding; we should probably have this documented somewhere (a Tao Of XSF XEP?):

- The schemas in XEPs are not normative.
- We do, however, try to keep them aligned properly with the text, and will accept bug reports with gratitude.
- The schemas in RFCs *are* normative.
- The IETF does, however, accept errata should they not match the text or the intent.

So in both cases, we'd expect the schemas to be right, and welcome fixes; technically, though, there's a distinction in normativeness (normativity?) between RFC and XEP.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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