On 12/9/11 10:49 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
> On Fri Dec  9 17:35:47 2011, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
>> Over the time I have gotten the impression that an XML schema is
>> really a waste of time. It creates the illusion that there is
>> something that provides help (to implementers and to those who read
>> the specification) but in reality it doesn't.
>> Working on different specifications I later thought that the problem
>> is with the readability and extensibility of the XML schema and then
>> we switched to Relax NG in some IETF working groups. That turned to be
>> a mistake as well. When it comes to extensibility a Relax NG schema is
>> equally bad.
>> The extensibility mechanism of XML would prevent you from getting any
>> meaningful validation anyway. So, validation isn't useful because more
>> or less everything validates (after you add the extension points
>> everywhere).
>> So, I believe we are doing fine without XML schema but with lots of
>> examples. Implementers just look at examples.
>> Maybe you could therefore recommend not to use XML schemas (or Relax
>> NG schemas).
> Or at least move them out of the XEP itself, perhaps?
> I think we vaguely require them, at present. I'd be happy with hosting
> them out of the XEP itself, which'd make them more obviously informative.
> The XSF Board chair and the XMPP Council chair have been trying to
> figure out how we go about such a decision, and decided the best thing
> to do was seek consensus on the lists as a first step.

In my experience, writing the schema forces you to think through the XML
design, and that alone is a good thing. We do host the schemas
separately, but they are included in the spec as well:


Another option: migrate to JSON. XML is *so* second-millennium!


Peter Saint-Andre

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