On Fri Dec  9 17:35:47 2011, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
Over the time I have gotten the impression that an XML schema is really a waste of time. It creates the illusion that there is something that provides help (to implementers and to those who read the specification) but in reality it doesn't.

Working on different specifications I later thought that the problem is with the readability and extensibility of the XML schema and then we switched to Relax NG in some IETF working groups. That turned to be a mistake as well. When it comes to extensibility a Relax NG schema is equally bad.

The extensibility mechanism of XML would prevent you from getting any meaningful validation anyway. So, validation isn't useful because more or less everything validates (after you add the extension points everywhere).

So, I believe we are doing fine without XML schema but with lots of examples. Implementers just look at examples.

Maybe you could therefore recommend not to use XML schemas (or Relax NG schemas).

Or at least move them out of the XEP itself, perhaps?

I think we vaguely require them, at present. I'd be happy with hosting them out of the XEP itself, which'd make them more obviously informative.

The XSF Board chair and the XMPP Council chair have been trying to figure out how we go about such a decision, and decided the best thing to do was seek consensus on the lists as a first step.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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